Thursday, September 27, 2012


 Alan Stokes worked as an police investigator for Wing Corona, a company that leased ships to firms operating in everything from transport to hauling krag ore. The job wasn’t too bad as long as you didn’t mind traveling to investigate an accident, lost cargo or the rare stowaway. You never knew what you were going to run into when you went out to file a report. Typically it was the case of a pilot or cargo master misjudging some angle or height damaging freight or the ship. Alan couldn’t count the number of times he had filed reports on those jobs. He was about to head to a bar when he got a message on his file plate that a company ship had docked and there was some kind of problem.
    No worries he thought, go down see what the problem was send in an over eager assistant to complete and file the report while he went off to drink a couple of whiskey sours and smoke a few splits.
His eager compatriot was a fresh faced bean counter named Ted Corin. The way Ted always bounced around the office Alan swore the kid was on juice. He was constantly after a new report to file. Fine here’s a real lulu kid, an old skimmer has a problem now go out and file a nice dry 25 pages of statistics on why the port burner can has a dent in it. What fun eh?
    Alan got his info plates together put them in his case and was out the door of the main office. He had intentionally forgotten to ask his yappie pal dog Ted to come along considering he’d run after him before he walked 50 feet down the concourse. Sure enough Ted came stumbling out putting on his company hat, straightening his thin tie, and snapping shut his spiffy brand new Wing Corona attaché case. Way to go kid, in a year you hopefully lose the hat and the frigging tie.
    They both walked through the main terminal building which Alan thought was too damned white, clean, and boring as hell. A designer usually wanted such a place to be warm and inviting. Hell whomever the designer was here he/she had the opposite effect. You wanted to get out of the damn place, get to your ship and get the hell out of Dodge. Dodge in this case being Girse the largest dock port within a few hundred millions miles give or take.
    Girse was a hub, a connector where ships from all over went through to go well anywhere. If you went to Hell you had to go through Girse was the saying. The dock was huge and contained a myriad of concourses, each one housing dozens of gates where a ship might dock. The place got ships of all sizes from the wee little “Kazoos” flying a few people to an planetary excursion to the Beluga luxury liners carrying eight to ten thousand passengers.
    Wing Corona’s fleet was leased out and nearly 90% of the fleet were small to medium sized ships. Alan loved the classic Krest vessels, ageless beautifully designed ships that traveled super fast or the Lotus dedicated freighters which always made people stop and take notice for their long graceful shape. Wing also had the smaller job like the one he and Ted were going out to see, the Coronado. These ships were old, versatile and built like a tank. The pilots raved about them still 25 years after being introduced. It was said that if you couldn’t fly one you didn’t deserve to sitting in the Captain’s seat.
    Their Coronado was docked at Purple 19. As they approached the gate they could see her through the large windows. Alan stood their for a moment and smiled. God that was one mother beautiful ship. Give me one of these instead of the new Spanstars. A Coronado was sexy, excruciatingly loud when in atmosphere and left ion soot trails thousands of miles long.
“Hey kid. You see that?”, Alan motioned.
“Yeah?”, Ted replied .
“That’s what a real ship looks like. Not that tinny Spanstar crap. Consider yourself lucky to be still able to go on one of these.”, Alan said.
“Eh the Spanstars are more efficient and region friendly. Don’t you think sir?”, Ted replied.
“Jesus fucking Christ…..”, Alan muttered.
    They met an agent for Colgan the line leasing this particular Coronado. He apologized for being late and handed Alan the preliminary papers in triplicate.
“Sorry Mr. Stokes. Colgan has me working several gates on two different concourses this week. I just wished they’d hire a few more people to help out.”, the agent said adjusting his orange blazer jacket.
“Yeah nothing new there Brett, everyone is making cutbacks. So what do we have here with this ship?”, Alan said. “Hey kid get the green forms ready to go.”
“Ah, Colgan 8223 was to have arrived three days ago but was diverted to Algos for a repair on engine #2. Flight crew Captain Hicks and First Officer Morne then made a position report as they passed Nis then silence. The next thing we knew was that it had docked at 3:44 a.m. on auto.”, Brett read out.
“I’ll be damned a Flying Dutchman.”, Alan replied.
“A Flying what-man?”, Ted asked.
“Never mind kid. Okay Brett so it docks at 3:44 a.m. when did the main doors open?”, he asked.
“Well according to this file it reads that the main door opened once…..hmmmm….for only one minute before shutting again. Open at 3:52a.m. and shuts 3:53.”
“What the hell. Where’s the crew? Didn’t they disembark? That’s not enough time for all of them to disembark. Christ did anyone check the live feed to see if the crew left or are they still inside the damn thing.”
“I’ll have the company pull down the feed. Here on the blue form it says the air sample check is fine so no possible infection inside the vessel to worry about.”, Brett replied.
“Hell with it, let’s go aboard and see what the problem is. Kid open the jet way door, will you?”
    The jet way door swung open followed by the ship’s main passenger door. Even before they stepped aboard there was the smell of plastic, coffee, food, jack smoke and something else. Alan entered the main cabin, to his far left was the cockpit, and to the right were pallets, seats, and more pallets far beyond. There were stairs in front of him that lead upstairs to more seating and crew compartments.
“What’s that smell?”, Ted asked.
“Oh man. Mr. Stokes that’s decay for crying out loud.”, Brett said holding a handkerchief over his nose.
“Oh Christ.”, Alan said as he saw what was making the stink.
    In the second compartment to their right was an empty area that once held rows of seats now only  bare pallet tracks could be found. There had been pallets in this spot but they had been offloaded at some earlier point. In their place were human remains, parts of bodies, arms, legs, trunks piled neatly on top of one another, with two disembodied heads side by side.
“Oh Jesus!”, Ted exclaimed heading for the on board WC nearby.
    The walls were caked in smeared blood, intestines and who knows what else. Whatever happened it methodical and incredibly violent. Someone or something had been really pissed.
“Brett, call Colgan tell them we have a crime scene. Hey kid! Get Girse CIC and tell them the same thing and to block off Purple concourse! I’m going forward.”
    Alan entered the cockpit, dark save for an orange enunciation panel and the glow of a few blue and green lights. He turned on his torch and could detect blood smears all over the control columns and instrument consoles. There was a nasty blood spray to the rear right cockpit window. The place reeked of blood and rot. He could only imagine what had happened to the pilots. An attack was certain but by whom and how many assailants and more importantly why?
“Mr. Stokes there’s a man in the gate area who’s asking for you.”, Brett said popping his head into the cockpit.
“Who the hell is it?”, he grumbled.
“A Mr. Foote sir.”
“Dammit. Idiot politician. Shit!”, Alan seethed. “Governor Foote wants his mug on the wire.”
    He disliked Hiram Foote, he had for years. Hiram was a politician and a former lawyer which to Alan and about 88 billion others made him slime. Add an divisive Presidential election into the mix and you get insanity. Hiram Foote was born with a silver spoon in his mouth and achieved his current position in life because of his father Phineas Foote who had been President over thirty years ago. Old “Finny” as he was called by his many admirers had been quite incredibly popular, jovial, and raised the Republic up from the doldrums created by his former predecessors. He was so popular that his face was ultimately used on the 5 Stirren coin. Not bad considering all the other faces were of Presidents passed for over 175 years.
    Alan had no doubt that if Phineas’ son won this coming election that he’d be an absolute loser and nothing close to his father. There were plenty of others who thought different and would no doubt cast their vote for this idiot. Now here he was, no doubt passing through the dock port on his way home about to smile it up for the wire and give everyone advice. Sorry Hy no babies to kiss on this one Alan thought as he went back to the gate.
    Sure enough there was the candidate, his own media and advisers clustered together talking with a Security chief officer on Girse, Cy Cager. If the media womps knew about what he had just seen on the Coronado they’d go ape. He motioned for Ted to come over.
“Get a security detail and place them at the end of the jet-way. Only ones to go in are the investigators, and police.”, Alan said.
“I already notified them, as a matter of fact here they are right now.”, he nodded to the two security police passing by.
“Damn good Ted. Thinking ahead, nice job.”, Alan replied.
“Ah, thank you sir,……..and thanks for calling me you know by my first name, sir.”, Ted smiled.
    Alan was about to reply when he saw Hiram walking over his entourage close behind. God what a bunch he thought.
“Mr. Stokes or is it Officer Stokes. I’m……”, the candidate smiled extending a hand.
“Uh yeah I know. Could you hold that handshake for one second Mr. Foote?”, Alan said walking over to Cy.
“Alan, how are you?”, Cy said.
“Cy, what do you say? You’re aware of what’s inside the ship.”, Alan nodded.
“Yeah, saw the pics on my plate. Hell I though the crew left on another flight. I didn’t think there was a problem until I was notified. Christ, to think I’ve been in my office this whole time while their bodies were just lying there. The wire‘s going to think I purposely sat on my ass while this was happening.”
“Hey, don’t knock yourself.  Before this is all over they’re going blame everyone.“, Alan quietly said as he could see Howard Griffin Colgan’s station representative hurry past down the jet-way.
“I’ll go handle Howard you talk to the politician.”, Cy said.
    Hiram’s media people were capturing the growing excitement in the gate area, people hurrying about, additional security personnel arriving while their candidate spoke with a junior Colgan executive. Alan decided it was time to finally shake the man’s hand.
“Governor? Sorry about the interruption as you can see it’s getting hectic.”, Alan said.
“Mr. Stokes of course.”, Hiram replied as the media cams began shooting live feed of the two of them talking and shaking hands. “I hear this episode may have been a smuggling operation gone horribly awry.”
“Huh well the facts are being gathered…..”
“Wings Corona had a vessel impounded two years ago for weapons and drug smuggling wasn’t it?”, Hiram interrupted.
“Yes that’s true but the company that operated that vessel went out of business so they’re the ones responsible.”, Alan replied.
“A member on that crew was working for Wings am I right? You know I had quite the conviction rate for smugglers when I was a lawyer. Nast business smuggling. That Wings crew-member was a convicted rapist as well. Had I that event occurred in my territory I can assure you justice would’ve been swift.”, Hiram said as the cams showed the fake sincerity on hi face.
“Governor that incident did not in any way represent our company or the employees and I do take offense to your assertions sir.”, Alan said his anger growing.
“Yes yes of course. However, that man and the ship involved were from Wings, and now this incident. From what I’ve heard there are fatalities involved and the pictures are shocking. That‘s why if I become President my first task is to make the crimes of smuggling and piracy, punishable by death”, he remarked.
“Oh for the love of….”, Alan muttered.
     Snipers had already hacked into someone’s cam putting the pics of the murder scene on the Stream. The public craved for information, the scoop, the juicy stuff, the need to know right now.  The Governor was already speculating, steering public opinion all thanks to an aide who showed him a hacked pic. Alan was doing his best not to blow up on cam and deliver a tirade against Hiram Foote for his ignorance.
“Well Investigator Stokes as Governor you have my complete support into this matter and please do not hesitate to contact my office should you require any information or additional help.”, he smiled shaking Alan’s hand, cams shooting the whole pathetic scene.
    Foote and his lackey pack sauntered off no doubt proud of an unexpected opportunity to collect support for his political campaign. Alan muttered a few obscenities under his breath and wanted to wash his hands from the stink that emanated from men like Hiram.
    Alan spotted Cy walking back up the jet way holding his nose with a handkerchief and talking  with someone on his phone. He looked worried even more so than before.
“Hey Cy, what do you think?”, Alan nodded towards the Coronado.
“Disgusting to be honest one of the worst scenes I’ve seen in a long time. No signs of forced entry into the vessel, no damage on the outside. Something the ship was transporting went ballistic. No pallets were forced open. Howard showed me the freight manifest, nothing organic or synthetic on board either so that rules out a mech or synthetic flipping out killing the entire crew.”
“What about the on board tapes?”, Alan asked referring to on board cams capturing every cabin area.
“Erased apparently. Howard sent it to a analyst to check for any ghost data maybe something escaped being erased by whomever or whatever attacked these guys.”, Howard shrugged.
“Anything else?”, Alan asked.
“Yeah…… a dead one in the hotel. You want to come along?”, Howard asked.
“Yeah let me tell the kid to send the reports.”
    The hotel Howard was speaking about was the Conrad, a convenient place to stay for passengers, flight and cabin crew during layovers. The hotel had over 420 rooms, restaurants, conference rooms, and it’s own gates for dedicated business clientele.
    The hotel manager, Mr. Scrimm met both men in the lobby. He gave them the pass key and brought along the hotel detective up to room 412 a suite reserved for clients with hefty business accounts.
“This is the first serious incident we’ve ever had, and I mean ever.”, the manager said to Alan and Cy in the elevator.
“When did you receive the call that something was wrong in 412?”, Cy asked.
“When the chambermaid went in around 8:45 this morning.”, answered Mr. Coate the hotel detective. “Officially 8:49 am that is.”
“We’ve secured the tapes so no worries about snipers gentlemen. As you can imagine we at Conrad want to keep this very silent.”, Scrimm said as the elevators doors opened.
    As they walked down the hallway they could see only one guard and one investigator outside 412. They were acting low key as to not be conspicuous to any other guests.
“What about these adjoining rooms on this floor?”, Cy motioned.
“Either checked out or moved to other rooms. This entire section is quite clear I can assure you.”, Scrimm nodded.
“That’s not entirely what I meant. Any witnesses, anyone see or hear anything?”, Cy rubbed his temple.
“Uh no nothing at all.”, Scrimm answered opening the room door. ”Gentleman.”
    The suite looked fairly neat. Nothing out of the ordinary in the living room, dining room, or bedroom. For a second Cy though they had gotten the wrong room.
“Uh in the bathroom gentleman.”, Scrimm motioned.
    The bathroom made up for the neatness in the rest of the suite. It was a vile mess, a biohazard. Blood coated the walls, floor, ceiling, everything. The bathtub was filled blood soaked water as was the toilet.
“Where the hell is the body?”, Cy asked.
“Over there…..Jesus what the hell.”, Alan remarked.
    Each bathroom in the hotel room had a trash chute, a roughly 12x12” chute where one could dispose of garbage. Each chute led to a large incinerator at the bottom of the dock port. Something had tried to shove the guest of 412 into the chute not in pieces but whole distending and warping the opening. You couldn’t even tell the remains were human save for the two feet sticking out.
“How in the hell did……”, Alan said.
“No shit. Maybe someone tried to cut the body up then shove the remains in.”, Cy guessed looking at the gruesome scene.
“I don’t know Cy something tried to shove the entire body down the damn thing.”, Alan replied.
“Who is he……it’s a he right?”, Cy asked Scrimm.
“Yes male. His name is Meno Barani.”, Scrimm read from his info plate.
“Name’s familiar.”, Cy remarked.
“Got it.”, Alan said looking at his plate. “Meno Barani……you got to be kidding me….Christ. Meno Barani age 60, CEO and owner of Active Logistics, an arms company. Wonderful, tie this in with Wings, Foote and the wire and the media penguins are going to have a frenzy.”
“You said you have the tapes?”, Cy asked Scrimm as he walked over to the screen room. “Put them up.”
    The hotel manager touched a few slides on his plate and in an instant the recorded material from multiple cams appeared on the suite’s large screen.
“Sir we’re going to cam the bathroom and uh the coroners are here.”, an investigator said to Cy. “Fine okay. Mr. Scrimm take us to the hallway and 412. Focus on that please.”
 “We’re going to find out just what in the hell happened. Hey got someone coming down the hall on screen two. Focus in on that person.”, Alan said.
    A figure walked down the hallway and stopped outside the door to 412. It was a woman wearing some kind of camouflage uniform. She waved her hand in front of the doorbell and was let in by Barani. The cams followed the two walking into the living room. She was tall, had short red brown hair and was had a fit muscular build.
“What about audio?”, Cy asked.
“I’m sorry only visual.”, Scrimm responded.
“Dammit.”, Cy grumbled.
    The whole suite was deadly quiet as everyone watched silent footage of the young woman who appeared to be in her 20s and asking Barani questions to which he would shake his head and shrug. He seemed to get a bit angry and waved his hand near her face to which she grabbed his wrist causing him pain. She then pulled him into the bathroom. He was shaking his head furiously and yelling out. She seemed to smirk before her face contorted to absolute hatred. Barani appeared to be begging for his life before she hoisted him over her head. She then proceeded to fold the man in half one hand holding his ankles the other his throat.  Blood burst everywhere.
“Fucking Christ Almighty.”, Alan said turning away.
“Jesus look at that. Fucking folding him up like he was made out of paper.”, Cy grimaced. “Christ look at this!”
    She held the glob of remains of what was once Meno Barani in one hand while opening the chute with the other. She then thrust the body into the chute as someone would forcibly stuff an oversized bag of trash. The young woman then removed her clothing and deposited them in the WDP (wash/dry/press) cubicle along with her socks and boots. After drying off she collected her clean clothes, got dressed and left.
“Just like that. Can you believe it? Fucking bitch murders a man, takes a shower, and does her freaking laundry. All in a night’s work eh sweetheart?”, Cy grumbled.
“Sir, tech has the ghost data from the Coronado. You want it on the screen?”, an assistant asked.
“Yeah.”, Cy said.
    The footage was quick but long enough to get a shot of the back of a woman wearing the same camo uniform with short dark hair before the tape blanked out. Cy raised his eyebrows.
“That’s got to be synthetic or a mech Cy. No human is that strong. I say someone’s synthetic went off the rails.”, Alan reasoned.
“Sir, the shoulder patch is from the 1st Airborne Regiment I just checked.”, Cy’s junior officer said. “This woman is human.”
“I’ll be damned.”, Cy said.
“She served as a trooper in B Company, 2nd Battalion since 3301. I’ll put her record up on screen.”, the junior added.
    An army record appeared complete with a picture of the alleged killer. It read:

Name: Secu, Sabine D.

Date of Birth: 11-2-3279          
    Place of Birth: Closterthe        
    State: Wexxe     
    Nationality: Cahirdonian

Height: 70

Weight: 195

Hair: Auburn

Eyes: Brown

    Alan took a close look at the identification photo, it was a match. The subject’s eyes were piercing, alluring even sensual he thought, but he saw those same eyes turn to absolute hate right before snapping Meno Barani in half.

“Get her picture to every station and law enforcement agency out there. She is to be described as extremely dangerous, mentally unstable, and homicidal. Advise that suspect should be contained but not confronted.”, Cy said to his junior. “Well Alan you have any recommendations?”
“This Sabine, kills a flight crew and well known arms dealer. There’s an obvious connection somewhere.”, Alan said lighting up a jack.
“You think she’s still on this port?”, Cy asked.
“Cross check her picture with everyone who has left within 12 hours.”, Alan said to an investigator. “How’s that Cy?”
“Good start. Also check for any other Colgan flights arriving and departing in the next 12 hours as well.”, Cy motioned to his junior who was frantically busy sending out the orders on his plate.
“If she’s still here we can nip this before it gets worse.”, Alan said. “How much security do you have on hand?”
“Not much but we can pack some firepower if we have to. If need be we’ll vaporize the loon.”, Cy grumbled.
“I’m going to back to my office, see if the kid’s filed everything. Also I’ll do some checking on my own. I’m curious what vessels the Colgan crew had flown for the past couple of years, see if they did anything strange or out of the ordinary.”, Alan said.
“Yes, thanks if you come up with anything let me know.”, Cy nodded.

    It was a long walk from the Conrad to his office near the Gold concourse. He thought of a long list of questions concerning the murders. Perhaps Hiram Foote with all his political bombast was on to something concerning Colgan, the flight crew, and Wings Corona. Alan knew every carrier, every leasing company dealt with smuggling but it was always from a standpoint of prevention not one in promotion. 
    He got in an elevator to take him up to the Wings offices and looked at his reflection in the polished metal. He was dragging for certain, the dark circles under his gray eyes proved that much. Alan turned to his side and did his best to suck in his gut,…..not too bad he thought. His dark hair was graying, mostly at the temples and that made him feel a lot older than 44.
    The elevator door opened and he entered what employees nicknamed the Wings “Fortress”, all of it’s vast operations, offices, communications under one roof. Alan headed down the corridor leading to “Investigations/Insurance” his territory and saw the sectional secretary wave to him as he walked by her.
“Hey, your client in your office waiting.”, she said.
“What client?”, he asked but the secretary was already out of earshot on her way to a meeting. “What damn client.”, he muttered.
    He entered his office threw his jacket on the floor and caught movement to his right. His heart seemed to skip a beat. It was her, Sabine. For a split second he thought of running back out and hitting the Security alarm. But he hesitated, perhaps out of curiosity. Her dark eyes seemed to stare right through him. Her camo uniform emblazoned with rank and unit patches made her look that much more serious. Crammed in a chute he thought to himself.
“You can relax.”, Sabine said.
“Can I?”, he asked. “You’re not going to kill me are you? Or have you not decided on that?”
“If I wished for that, you wouldn’t be talking right now.”, Sabine replied.
“You know a report with your face has already been sent out to every system. Your options are a bit limited at this moment. I don’t have arrest powers nevertheless I suggest you offer yourself to me and be taken to Security. If you don’t want me to take you then I can summon them up here.”, Alan said clearing his throat.
    She simply sat in the chair not saying a word her head resting against two fingers. He wasn’t sure if she realized the gravity of the situation. She finally stirred.
“First, that flash report hasn’t gone out because the comm antenna is offline. Second, the only place you’ll be taking me is to your home. Third if you call Security up here you’ll be responsible for their deaths. How’s that?”, Sabine finally said.
“What do you mean the antenna is offline?”, he asked.
“I took it offline as well as the back-up coupling. If you don’t believe go ahead and call your network division. I’m sure they’ll tell you the same thing.”, she said.
    Alan did just that. Sure enough communication from the station was out but repair crews were on it and would have it back online within two hours.
“You have less than two hours.”, Alan smiled.
“I never said they’d be out permanently, but more than enough to get to Cahirdon. So, if you please Mr. Stokes.”, she stood up.
    She was an inch taller than he and her physique was very impressive. He wasn’t feeling heroic or dumb enough to try and escape. However, the walk all the way to a flight was inevitably going to take them past Security squads and they had her picture on their plates looking for her.
“I take you’ve already got a flight picked out? Which gate?”, he asked.
“Red 9, Intrepid 1103 and it’s on time for once.”, she said.
“What happens if Security sees you? What then?”, Alan said putting on his jacket.
“It won’t be pretty. There’s a lot of innocent passengers, they’re most likely to get jittery and start shooting.  Security troops are the bottom of the barrel.”, Sabine remarked. “If any of them want to play hero I’ll be more than happy to oblige.”
“Yeah I’m sure you will.”, Alan said.
    Thankfully no one in the lobby of Wings took notice of Alan and his companion as they headed out. As they got into the elevator an Operation’s employee hopped in at the last minute joining them. Alan winced hoping that wouldn’t set her off.
“Hey Alan how are things?”, he asked.
“Not too bad Soros. How about you?”, Alan forced a smile.
“Oh you know so-so. Hey how about the Colgan bird. Damn Joffe showed me pics from the crime scene. Whomever did that, ….I mean it’s beyond savage. Just give me a gun and a few minutes alone with that beast. Oh, man I show them.”, he mimicked holding a pistol.
    Alan cringed. He honestly thought he would hear a muffled scream from his co-worker then a snapping sound. He could see her from the corner of his eye and she hadn’t moved. Please don’t kill him he thought.  His mouth had suddenly become very dry as he tried to think of something to say to change the subject.
“Hey you’re in the Airborne. You guys are pretty tough. You know, I thought of joining the Paras but I suffer from vertigo. A friend of mine says Marines are tougher but I said hogwash Airborne is where the action is. By the way what you guys did in Korto was amazing! You guys kicked serious ass. Hey Alan you saw the action on the wire a couple of months ago didn’t you? Hey uh, Sergeant Sabine is it…interesting name,…were you there?”, he smiled.
“Yeah.”, she said staring straight ahead.
“Yes! Oh, man what kind of gun did you use huh?”,
“Standard issue ZP122.”, her patience was growing thin.
“Say how many of those guys did you kill? I bet that’s got to change your….”
“Soros enough ok? I don’t think she wants to relive that event just for you. She and her mates have been through enough.”, Alan said.
“Oh yeah….yeah hey Sergeant Sabine I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to you know bring up any bad thoughts. No hard feelings?”, Soros replied extending a hand smiling.
    The elevator stopped on the departures floor and Sabine looked at Soros straight in the eye. Alan turned and expected the worst as she shook his hand. He noticed Soros wince from her squeeze.
“Well Sergeant we have to be going right now okay? Soros I’ll see you later, perhaps next week sometime alrighty?”, Alan gestured as she let go of Soros’ hand.
“Uh yeah sure. Great grip you have Sergeant. Go Paras!”, he grimaced rubbing his hand.
    As they walked to Red Concourse he glanced at her checking to see if the little vein on her forehead had gone down. He thanked the Creator she didn’t lose it.
“I appreciate you being patient with Soros, I know he’s a bit of a handful.”, Alan remarked.
“You think?”, she said.
“What did you do to take him off your radar? Think of someone or someplace or focus on a little detail on the elevator?”, Alan smirked.
“The idea of us both bathed in his guts might be a wee bit off putting to the passengers.”, Sabine replied.
“Yeah, that too.”, he remarked.
    The concourse was full of travelers, both business and tourist traffic. Their gate Red 9 was almost near the end which meant a very long walk. Alan kept scanning ahead looking for any Security agents hoping they would never materialize for fear of violence. That hope was dashed near Gate 12 as two armed agents saw her and began to walk in their direction. Alan cursed under his breath as the report stated not to confront Sabine but only to monitor. These two jokers wanted to play hero.
“Two agents straight ahead looks like they want to stop you.”, Alan said.
“You might want to tell them to get out of my way then.”, she replied.
    He walked ahead of her and approached the two agents hoping to head off an incident.
“Hello gentleman. My name is Alan Stokes, I know your boss Cy Cager. I believe your orders are not to confront the suspect who is with me by the way. Do me a favor and stand aside guys.”, he said taking out his identification tab.
“Sir could you move away. We have new orders to apprehend the suspect.”, said one of them.
“Listen both of you if you do this a lot of people are going to get hurt including yourselves.”, Alan remarked.
“Mr. Stokes please move aside we have a job to do.”, the other said.
“Now look neither of you has any idea of whom you’re dealing with. Think for a minute dammit.”, Alan was almost pleading.
“Mr. Stokes we will arrest you for interfering with a security matter if you do not desist.”
“Fine have it your way.”, Alan grumbled.
    He turned and confronted Sabine who was approaching. This would be his last chance.
“They won’t move they want to take you in. If they start shooting a lot of people are going to get hurt.”, he said.
“I’ll handle it so nothing happens.”, she answered.
    The agents hands on rifles stood blocking her path. One of them took out a plate and double checked their orders to see if they had been updated once more. They hadn’t, so they proceeded with the arrest. A number of travelers began to look at the developing scene a few took out recording devices getting ready to capture any possible excitement.
“Sergeant Sabine Secu, you are hereby under arrest by the Department for Public Safety. Your cooperation is necessary in ensuring your well being. Do you understand?”, one said in a monotone voice.
“Guess you got me.”, she smiled holding up her wrists.
    The second agent placed the cuffs and locked them around her wrists. Alan had no idea what she was thinking but went along, she just looked at him and winked.
“I’ll go with you Sergeant.”, Alan spoke up. “Whether these guys like it or not.”
“Are the both of you taking me in?”, she played scared.
“Yes Sergeant we are.”, one said holding her elbow.
“I don’t suppose you’d allow me to use the bathroom would you?”, she asked.
“Sorry Sergeant, since we don’t have a female agent here who could escort you into a bathroom you’ll have to hold it until we get to where we are going.”
“Hey I don’t mind either of you watching while I go. It wouldn’t be the first time I’ve gone with guys all around.”, she said.
“Being in the army Sergeant I’m sure that’s true but we aren’t out in the field ma’am this is civilization.”
“Then wouldn’t it be civilized to allow me to use the can? Hmmm?”, she smiled.
“You really have to go that bad?”, her escort asked.
“I wouldn’t make such a fuss if I didn’t have to. I mean come on, how can I possibly escape?”, she asked.
    They stopped. Her handler told the other agent to go to the Women’s washroom and clear anyone out first before escorting her inside. Sabine just glanced over at Alan and smiled. He hoped that smile meant she would disarm them not kill them.
“It’s clear come on.”, the one Security agent said.
    All three went into the washroom, one stood guard facing the door the other escorted her to a stall.
“You want to pull my trousers down?”, she asked her agent handler. “I don’t mind.”
“I can uh take the cuffs off. Be better that way.”, he gulped.
“Why don’t you watch guy? I’ve got thick pink meat down there.”, she cooed. “Why not get a feel?”
    He fumbled with the key and undid her restraints as she flicked out her long tongue near his ear. She could hear his breathing becoming harder.
“Hey Joffe what’s taking so long, tell the bitch to hurry up for crying out loud!”, yelled the other.
    In an instant she went from temptress to soldier. She took two fingers curled them under his belt and lifted him several feet into the air.
“What the hey hey hey!!!”, he yelled.
    His partner turned to his left to see what was happening and when he did he just stood there incredulous. He couldn’t believe his eyes.
“You shorty, drop the rifle and your pants now.”, she pointed to the incredulous agent. “As for you when I put you down you do the same. Either of you get’s the sudden urge to be a hero and it will be the last thing you ever think of. Understand?”
    They muttered a response and as ordered unbuckled their belts allowing their trousers to fall. She removed their stunners, and shackled them together around a toilet. Sabine took their rifles and broke them in half. Both agents were shocked at how easily she accomplished that feat with no more effort than snapping a dry twig. When she was finished disposing their gear in the trash chute she walked up to both smiling.
“Aww you two look so good together. Maybe I should take a picture and send it out on the wire, what do you think?” she asked. “Nah better not. Anyhow I’m afraid it’s night night for you two.”
    She took out a stunner gun and rendered both unconscious with a small burst. They’d be asleep for at least an hour. Sabine then closed the stall door and left the washroom. Alan was nearby seated in the concourse and stood up when he saw her come out. It had seemed forever since they all three went inside.
“What happened?”, he asked.
“They’re both taking a nap. Now let’s get going before another bunch of monkey agents come by.”, she replied.

    The flight back to terra firma was a short 30 minutes followed by a short hop via magnetic rail to the final stop. Alan never got used to the strange feeling that within an hour and a half he could go from port dock orbit to his front door, from lifeless space to green hills and trees.  His house was small as he lived alone, and it was located in a very quiet wooded neighborhood that was largely populated by engineers, pilots, and port dock employees.
    The commute was uneventful and neither spoke very much until they were inside his home. He took off his jacket and switched on the wall screen.  Sabine looked a bit out of place wearing an camouflaged army uniform as she investigated his place.
“Want something to drink?”, he asked.
“Whatever you’re having.”
“How long has it been since you’ve been in a house.”, Alan asked handing her a glass of wine.
“Quite a while. Smells different, it’s too quiet and everything looks strange.”, she said sipping her drink.
“No sound of boots, no shouting, and no dull green.”, he replied.
“How come you’re not married?”, Sabine asked.
“Oh we’re going there already huh?”
“You don’t have to say anything if you don’t want to.”, she said looking at his framed photographs.
“I was married fifteen years ago but it didn’t work out. Both of us spent to much time away from each other doing our jobs. One day she came home and said she had met someone else. I knew the marriage was over long before that. We both got married because everyone else was, I think we saw marriage as a some sort of badge that you were maturing growing up. We gave into peer pressure I guess. Whatever, it didn’t work out.”, he answered.
“What was her name?”
“Eileen. I don’t know where she is now or what she’s doing or how many kids she has if that’s your next question.”, Alan replied.
“No, I wasn’t going to ask you that. Why aren’t you seeing anyone now?”, she asked.
“What is this standard interrogation? How do you know I’m not seeing anyone?”, he asked.
“The place doesn’t look like it.”
“For all you know I could have two girlfriends and perhaps I tell them not to touch my things because that’s the way I like it.”, Alan grumbled. “And I can’t believe I’m having this conversation with someone who less than 12 hours ago brutally murdered a man in a manner than defies description.”
“You don’t have act that way. I’m just trying to be friendly.”, Sabine sat down.
“How about it’s time I asked the questions and believe me I’ve got quite a few.”, he sat up saying.
“Of course, but before you do can I bum a jack and may I borrow your plate?”, she asked.
“What?”, he said tossing her a pack of jacks and his plate. “Happy? First off whom do you work for?”
“The government.”, she replied lighting up and tapping his plate.
“For the government in the armed forces. What are you doing on my plate?”
“For the state, the constitution, the people, the government, the army, and my para regiment. As for what I’m doing on your plate, I’m ordering clothes which will be here in an hour.”, she replied tossing the plate back to Alan.
“No I mean whom do you really work for Sabine? In the past two days you’ve killed five people. For what purpose, and who gave you the orders?”, he raised his voice.
“I can’t tell you who silly. You were in the military that’s forbidden information.”
“The five people, they were all connected right I mean to your mission right?”, he said lighting up a jack.
“Most, actually three were related the other two got in my way. Aren’t you curious as to why I picked you?”
“The two got in your way and you just killed them?”, Alan asked.
“We’re in a ship a long way from nowhere I go to do my job and they tried to stop me from accomplishing that task. They were interfering, they attacked me, so I removed them permanently.”
“By tearing them to pieces? Which leads to me to another question…..”
“How is it that I have superhuman strength? Well that is a bit of a secret but it has nothing to do with the military or the government. It has everything to do with my Bratian heritage.”, she replied putting out her jack.
“You have Bratian heritage?”
“Yes I do. Now back to my question earlier, do you know why I picked you?”, she smiled.
“I knew a man during flight school who was Bratian. Your last name sounds a bit familiar, did your father ever fly or was he ever a pilot in the armed forces?”, Alan asked.
“Yes. He flew OA-7s in Berkoz.”, she replied.
“No impossible……was your father’s name Georg?”
“Oh my, incredible! You’re Georg Mitea’s daughter. Unbelievable, I can’t believe it! Your father and I were great friends. I held you in my arms when you were little. Your last name Secu who’s…”, he asked.
“My grandmother’s maiden name.”
“My God, you’re little Sabine, now not so little…”, a tear welled up in Alan’s eye. “You’re mother is she…?”
“Passed away several years ago.”
“No brothers or sisters either.”, Alan muttered. “Your father and I were very good friends. The times we shared.”
“I know. I actually remember you once in our old home. I recall looking up and seeing you and all of us at one point being outside in the sun, no doubt Papi having a barbecue.”, she said.
“Papi yes, I almost forgotten that name! Your father loved having those gatherings, he’d invite a bunch of fellow pilots and we’d talk shop. Your mother and the fellow’s wives would be at another table talking and laughing. That was quite a time, quite a time.”, Alan said. “Your father and I, yes indeed we served in the Bergoz War together. We had the time of our lives flying the old OA-7s.”
“Yeah nicknamed the Pig. Wish we had them last year in Korto giving us support.”, she said.
“Your father would’ve been proud of you being in the Paras. As for the recent events, Sabine tell me what is going on. I’ll help you in every way possible.”, Alan said hugging Sabine.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

East/West Japan

Japan is split into two entities after the end of the Second World War in December 1945. East Japan or the People's Republic of Japan created by the Soviets, and West Japan a state formed by the United States, Great Britain and the Commonwealth of Australia.
Within five years following Operation Olympic and the Soviet invasion, the Japanese people are thrust into the center of a new war between Communist and Non Communist entities.
-August 5th, 1945, The "Enola Gay" drops A-bomb on the Japanese city of Hiroshima.
-August 8th, The Soviet Union declares war on the Empire of Japan.
-August 9th, The Soviet Union invades Manchuria.
-August 9th, Second A-bomb dropped on Nagasaki.
-August 9th, The "Big Six" i.e. The Supreme War Council of the Japanese Government enter debate on whether to accept conditions of the Potsdam Declaration.
- August 11th, 3:54 a.m. Japanese Minister of the Navy, Mitsumasa Yonai, member of the Six and supporter of surrender and acceptance of the Potsdam Declaration collapses after lengthy debate with opponents. Yonai enters coma from presumed brain aneurism and dies 7:19 a.m.
-August 12th, the Council advises Emperoro Hirohito that surrender is unacceptable and that too many lives have been sacrificed thus far for such an outcome. The fate of Japan must be decided on home soil. Hirohito quietly acquiesces to decision.
-August 14th, "Helluva Time" a B-29 from the 393rd Bomb Squadron B-29-36-MO 44-27306 on it's way to strike Nagoya, suffers from inflight fire and or damage crashing two miles offshore from seaside town of Kumano. The seven ship formation of B-29s is attacked by three Japanese J2M5 "Raiden" interceptors. "Helluva Time" was believed to have been hit by cannon fire causing control cable damage and setting onboard flares alight. Only two crew bailout and are picked up by U.S. submarine U.S.S. Sea Owl. The "Fat Man" type A-Bomb is lost in crash and does not detonate.
-August 18th, Soviets invade Sakhalin and Kuril Islands.
-August 19th, Soviet invasion force meets heavy resistance from Japanese defenders on Sakhalin.
-August 19th, US military planners have preliminary date for Operation Olympic, the invasion of Kyushu for first week in October, 1945.
-August 20th, Japanese submarine I-204 on war patrol off of Kuril Island of Shumshu torpedos and sinks Soviet transport vessel carrying elements of the 87th Rifle Corps.

- August 18th Soviets invade Sakhalin and the Kuril Islands.