Wednesday, March 7, 2012

East/West Japan

Japan is split into two entities after the end of the Second World War in December 1945. East Japan or the People's Republic of Japan created by the Soviets, and West Japan a state formed by the United States, Great Britain and the Commonwealth of Australia.
Within five years following Operation Olympic and the Soviet invasion, the Japanese people are thrust into the center of a new war between Communist and Non Communist entities.
-August 5th, 1945, The "Enola Gay" drops A-bomb on the Japanese city of Hiroshima.
-August 8th, The Soviet Union declares war on the Empire of Japan.
-August 9th, The Soviet Union invades Manchuria.
-August 9th, Second A-bomb dropped on Nagasaki.
-August 9th, The "Big Six" i.e. The Supreme War Council of the Japanese Government enter debate on whether to accept conditions of the Potsdam Declaration.
- August 11th, 3:54 a.m. Japanese Minister of the Navy, Mitsumasa Yonai, member of the Six and supporter of surrender and acceptance of the Potsdam Declaration collapses after lengthy debate with opponents. Yonai enters coma from presumed brain aneurism and dies 7:19 a.m.
-August 12th, the Council advises Emperoro Hirohito that surrender is unacceptable and that too many lives have been sacrificed thus far for such an outcome. The fate of Japan must be decided on home soil. Hirohito quietly acquiesces to decision.
-August 14th, "Helluva Time" a B-29 from the 393rd Bomb Squadron B-29-36-MO 44-27306 on it's way to strike Nagoya, suffers from inflight fire and or damage crashing two miles offshore from seaside town of Kumano. The seven ship formation of B-29s is attacked by three Japanese J2M5 "Raiden" interceptors. "Helluva Time" was believed to have been hit by cannon fire causing control cable damage and setting onboard flares alight. Only two crew bailout and are picked up by U.S. submarine U.S.S. Sea Owl. The "Fat Man" type A-Bomb is lost in crash and does not detonate.
-August 18th, Soviets invade Sakhalin and Kuril Islands.
-August 19th, Soviet invasion force meets heavy resistance from Japanese defenders on Sakhalin.
-August 19th, US military planners have preliminary date for Operation Olympic, the invasion of Kyushu for first week in October, 1945.
-August 20th, Japanese submarine I-204 on war patrol off of Kuril Island of Shumshu torpedos and sinks Soviet transport vessel carrying elements of the 87th Rifle Corps.

- August 18th Soviets invade Sakhalin and the Kuril Islands.

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